Page 39 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 39

şeirlər  poems

                                 * * *
           Around of this fire used to be watered,
           An amber was put on amber.
           And the table was set,
           And the valiants used to go around it like a moth.
           By  the light was surrounded
           And the ones around it
           All were Ashugs.
           No dreams were like to dream of this fire,
           No taste were like to taste of this fire.

           An amber dropped into the blood of Melik
           From the amber of this fire.
           A trace dropped on Melik’s face and forehead
           From its light.
           Once upon a time...
           Someone had much grief,
           Someone had none.
           Our small world was dirty
           like a downtrodden kilim.
           And Gara Melik pacing on it
           Was so thoughtful.
           The clothing of the world
           was patched all over
           All Melik thought
           Was rinsing this dirty kilim.

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