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P. 41

şeirlər  poems

           The Moon  blazed and blazed,
           The heart  buzzed with excitement
           and  set ablaze.
           Its sorrow overflew and condoled.
           Khayyam’s bowl of wine burnt
           And Fizuli’s sorrow candle switched on,
           Ashug’s saz and inspiration got fire!

           ...It burst into flame over and over...
           And before my eyes
           Stood crazy Melik.
           I remembered him
           And in my memory this night
           Gara Melik passed over.

           One day they saw
           In the place of an extinguished fire
           Melik was drowned in the ashes
           From heel to head.
           They pulled him up from eyes,
           And from the heel
           He didn’t come off,
           And won’t come off.
           Stayed unmoved.
           His eyes stared at the sky,
           And heels drowned into the ash.
           They got exhausted,
           Pitch darkness embraced all,
           They drew the sorrow of Melik

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