Page 37 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 37

şeirlər  poems

                          SONGS ABOUT
                          GARA MELIK
                Catching fire from the strange land
                The sons of this land will never warm up
                But for them is warm
                The cold breast of black stones.
                Hi, the land of my father,
                This  black gravestone
                Being cried over and forgotten
                And being forgotten
                Without sheding
                two drops of tears.
                This grave is full of hollows
                Of the tears shed before.
                Its ground is on fire,
                But the gravestone is cold...

                Speak, you land of my father!
                The paintings painted for rainy days
                On your black stone
                will speak and sing song
                on the saz of Ashug.
                And the strings have hardened like a stone.
                The mist of these roads did not go away,
                The dawn of the sky has not cracked yet,
                The bridge of these rivers was not built
                And we still look around.

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