Page 35 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 35

şeirlər  poems

                WHO IS THAT CRYING ONE?

           Who is that crying one
           Laughing by crying
           Whose chest is bleeding
           The button of wound
           Laughing by tying…

           The one who’s bonfire is ash and cinder laughing…
           Who laughs despite burning inside.
           Whose eye laughing in tears,
           Who is that crying one?

           The one who took shelter in thick mountains,
           The one remained stuck in distance
           The one stood close in former time
           Who is that crying one?

           The one who look at stone falling picture,
           The one who look at a lonely bird flying in the sky…
           The one who is tete a tete with his childhood
           Who is that crying one?

           The one who stood in the road separately
           Whose tears in the palm,
           Whose last word is in tip of tongue
           Who is that crying one?

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