Page 43 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 43

şeirlər  poems

           Here and there
           Each to their sides.
           Melik was carried like memory,
           Melik was caressed like sorrow.
           Melik was lived bitterly.
           When they opened their eyes
           saw no sign of  Melik.
           One said: He has joined the moon light.
           One said: He has disappeared.
           Another said: Having a chance he might run away.
           But one said:
           He has gone through the lost path.
           Looking around
           They kept calling Melik.
           But no answer came from Melik.

           The clouds disappeared,
           It rained,
           He did not return.
           The autumn  passed,  the winter came
           He did not return.
           The spring with flowers also came,
           Gara Melik did not return.
           His beloved came to his hearth
           Gara Melik did not return.
           He went away
           Passing through
           The native mountains and valleys
           He went away passing through
           The eyes of strangers
           He went away passing through

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