Page 47 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 47

şeirlər  poems

           I saw Gara Melik.
           I saw him fall down from the sky.
           I saw him exhausted,
           His eyes extinguished fire...
           I saw lamp in his hands
           Right at noon.
           One hand holding light for his way,
           Handstick in another hand,
           He watches his step forward.
           Melik has changed a lot,
           Melik, who was as tall as chenar
           has become so small.

           What’s wrong, Gara Melik?
           What miserable case are you in?
           How it happened that
           Darkness  came
           Into the light of your eyes?
           What made you so miserable?
           Who cursed you behind?
           You would cry seeing a poor man,
           But the poor laughed at your crappy.
           What you saw and did not believe
           Happened to you,
           The friends – whom
           You once supported
           Also reproached you.
           Seeing you up and down
           God was awfully sorry for you.

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