Page 51 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 51

şeirlər  poems

           And left happy.
           The stars dance Turkish folk dance
           And the beauties join them.
           The widow men pull themselves up,
           The ground pricks up its ears
           And the rocks got surprised!

           Giving a fillip Melik danced a lot
           along hurdles.
           That day wild ashug’s saz moaned wildly.
           That day all village listened to saz wildly.
           They went asleep wildly.
           Saw dreams wildly.
           They saw that
           All were wild, each on a horse
           Terrifying the black fears
           They rode forward
           Singing song.

           His face and eyes getting gloomy
           With his sorrow,
           His foot stumbling of his grief
           He used to come back to his cabin
           Exhausted at twilight.
           He would see the two hands stretching on his ways.
           He would fall down tearing off his sorrow
           On the slim arms of a beautiful lady.

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