Page 55 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 55

şeirlər  poems

           for everything.
           The rain also felt,
           The rain also guessed
           How Gara Melik was depressed.

           Once our neighbor Gara Melik
           Was cursed.
           He could not escape.
           He came against
           A brick wall that day.
           Gara Melik blackguarded
           His bad luck
           Made a trip
           To the sky hundred times,
           At least hundred times.
           He knocked at God’s door,
           And God didn’t open
           The door to Melik
           For the poor
           To tell his sorrow
           He walked around
           Faltering that day.
           He walked around
           Fighting against his luck that day.
           Fed up of everything,
           Threw away the stone of his hope
           Lay down and slept.
           His luck horny in his palms,
           His luck blister in his palms,
           He put his head in his palms forever....

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