Page 57 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 57

şeirlər  poems

           His face and eyes getting gloomy
           With his sorrow,
           His foot stumbling of his grief
           He used to come back to his cabin
           Exhausted at twilight.
           He would see the two hands stretching on his ways.
           He would fall down tearing off his sorrow
           On the slim arms of a beautiful lady.

           He would pass under the fire
           Of an ogle.
           Also would drink the fire of it.
           And his sorrow would melt under its heat.
           Those admiring looks would shovel
           All sorrow and grief from is body.
           Melik would come to this world again.
           At evening azan
           Putting his hands on his ears
           He  would sing with bird voice:
           Gara Melik, life is a sweet dream,
           Read the history of Mankind again,
           Love  is axis of the world,
           I saw the earth rounding around it.

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