Page 49 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 49

şeirlər  poems

                                 * * *
           I remember well
           Voice of Gara Melik
           Prevailed among the village:
           – Oh, God, help me, oh, God, help me,
           An ignorant man with silver stringed saz on breast
           has come to the village
           The saz  on the wild ashug’s breast
           Has also become wild like him!

           He plays his saz wildly,
           His saz speaks wildly.
           The wild sorrow
           of the poor  wild ashug’s
           Wild saz speaks wildly
           And it delves into the deafness
           of the deaf ears of deaf Mahammad.
           His deaf ears escaping from deafness
           Listen attentively to the cry!
           People of our village holding
           Hand in hand
           With our neighbor village
           Dance – Turkish folk dance.

           The village girls come
           To Deli ashug’s ceremony
           with mole on their faces
           And leave without moles...
           – Oh, God, help me, the sick people
           Left their beds
           And come here moodless

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