Page 83 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 83

şeirlər  poems

                             THE DEATH

           Tell, where did you go?
           The place, your dwelling was not known...
           I saw that the world was empty.
           Your malady would stay unknown...

           I went towards the mountains
           I saw that the mountains had shrunk...
           The birds did not land on the tree
           The young brunches of the trees had shrunk...

           I opened my eyes and saw that I was alone,
           As if I got lost in the desert.
           I was loaded with the burden in the strange place
           As if I am a strange minstrel.

           I saw that four sides were flooded
           I tried a lot, but could not cross over the water.
           Poor me, I became thirsty,
           But I could not drink a sip of water...

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