Page 79 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 79

şeirlər  poems

                     THE LONELY NIGHTS

           These lonely nights, solitary nights
           Somewhere, somewhere in the strange eyes
           The moon light will be drunk strangely-strangely.
           The native land will be lost from the sight
           The surface of the sky will shrink strangely-strangely.

           The grief of an alien heart will grow,
           The fruit of the affliction tree will ripe.
           Someone’s grumble-complaint mixing with each other
           Will be smoking in the lonely nights...

           These lonely nights, solitary nights
           The bitterness of the day will pass through your eyes..
           Will pass through your hearth, through your ember
           Will pass through your strength, through your weakness
           Will pass through your soil, through your sky
           You hope and suspicion will fall to the smoke
           Your will keep on rubbing your eyes
           You sprit will fall to the unbearable heat
           Your only hope will be an angel rain...

           In the graveyard of your soul’s memory,
           The dead memories will become alive at the night...
           Your childhood in your memory
           Will grow up, grow up in the night...

           These lonely nights, solitary nights
           If you can only have the demon kneel down..
           If you can only cross from this side to other side…
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