Page 75 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 75

şeirlər  poems

                         WITHOUT YOU
           Just you be and live happy
           I will not say I will die without you.
           I will finish my life somehow
           And can manage without you.

           I will through away the gloom
           Live like meeting you
           Share you like drop of water or bread
           Just without you.

           I will greet all your friends
           For their happy coming
           For their happy smile
           I will laugh heartily
           But again without you.

           My grief sounds like a yellow sting,
           And rain like smile to my soul.
           I will come to our first dating place
           Like an orphan visiting your grave.

           Zakir Faxri the sorrow became my bare cell
           Would survive just like night and daylight
           Being just as meek candle longing for the butterfly
           Would bleat just as pipe without you.

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