Page 71 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 71

şeirlər  poems


           Hair fell around his face and eyes,
           He lost his throne and his crown
           Dark skin with black eyebrows and hazel eyes
           He wandering and roaming the world
           And seek healing for his grief
           That he can`t find.

           As a running roe deer, flying bird
           This guy with black eyebrows and hazel eyes
           Would  drop  and lose the key
           Of  the  mystery of one love.

           The roads he travelled would run behind him,
           And he would  open his heart
                         to the roads he came before.
           He would ramble across the land, fly in its sky
           This guy with black eyebrows and hazel eyes.

           He would have black tears in his hazel eyes,
           And black stone in his liver.
           He would wander in this rich world
                         poor and with empty pocket
           This guy with black eyebrows and hazel eyes.

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