Page 87 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 87

şeirlər  poems

           (To the memory of National Hero Shahlar Shukurov who was
                     martyred in the ba les for Karabakh)

           When a child
           You would take
           and  at the worst would throw away
           a stone that hits your foot.

           Your foot was bleeding
           The stone would test you
           through your blood
           You would not stop crying,
           You would cry alone.
           You would cry at that time
           for your headstone...
           As you grow up the stone
           hitting your foot would  also grow,
           the stone which your mother cursed…

           Do not imprecate and  do not look angrily at
           The stone that hit your foot...

           Kiss, kiss and hug
           the stone that
           everyone calls  ignoble  stone
           this is your headstone…
           A day will come
           Everyone will remember you
           And will visit your grave
           And everyone will leave you alone.

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