Page 89 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 89

şeirlər  poems

           Only that stone will remain with you
           Days and nights
           will be your friend.
           Only that headstone will remain with you
           In summer, in winter
           That stone will console your sister,
           brother, beloved ones…
           Your father  Avaz, your mother  Balıshy
           Will scatter flower on your grave.
           Everyone, everyone will kiss the stone,
           The stone that hit your foot...
           As the months, years passed
           Roads will be forgotten
           The pathway will be covered by the grass
           Comings and goings
           will be a little difficult…
           Only that stone
           will remain with you
           Only that stone
           Will be your companion.
           Once a year
           Your spirit will fly and
           land on that stone.
           Short life you lived
           Will be remembered for a short time...

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