Page 93 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 93

şeirlər  poems

                   Crying baby he was
                   With his first breath after being born
                   Now smiled into eyes of death
                   And hanged himself.

                   My dear poet, grieving for the world
                   Holding up this on your shoulders
                   And mourning for your sufferings
                   Mourning for the grieves of homeland.
                   My dear poet – as high as mountain
                   In the eyes of Death
                   Died and rebirth from death...

                   A poet is human, soul like you
                   Defeated, beaten he can be,
                   Hanged as a soldier
                   For the sake of happiness,
                   For the sake of country.

                   Greetings to my poet
                   Who was born in light
                   And found himself in a mist,
                   Who did good,
                   But seemed as an evil,
                   Who is in that unthankful place
                   For bad luck.
                   Greetings to my poet
                   Whose dry brunch was kept,
                   Healthy branch was cut instead

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