Page 95 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 95

şeirlər  poems

                   Head  of whose life tree was cut
                   Who lost his memory, got exhausted.

                   Greetings to my poet!
                   Whose art gives no harm to us,
                   No one is hurt of his aim
                   No one recalls
                   when he is alive.

                   Greetings to my poet!
                   Whose land was destroyed
                   and in ruin
                   Whose soil was carried away,
                   Only a package was left.
                   Whose top of head
                   is covered by clouds.

                   Hang the poet, hang him
                   When his pen
                   Borders his poem,
                   When keeping silence
                   Is a demand.
                   When being homeless
                   And being without clothing
                   Brings one sorrow.

                   When a poet
                   Throws a stone at another,
                   And spies him over,
                   And misinterpets his words
                   So hang the poet, hang him.
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