Page 99 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 99

şeirlər  poems

                     THE OTHER WORLD

           One day in the morning you will wake up,
           my brother,
           You will not know if it is morning,
           or evening…
           The root  of the flowing water
           has changed,
           You will see that  the mountain
           of Himalaya has melted…
           The right side,
           and left side of the roads
           has changed,
           the graves are under water,
           The water flows over your grave...
           And your spirit from the heaven
           is looking at your grave...
           Your eyes will  be continuously looking for…
           But you will see that,
           No person, no jinn,
           no spirit has been left.
           No trouble, no mistake,
           and no blood has been left...
           The water has crumbled,
           everything has melted,
           No voice, no news,
           is heard...

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