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P. 103

şeirlər  poems

                                 * * *
              I was staring at a plane tree. I saw little Zakir
           under the tree. He had a slingshot in his hand,
           carefully looking for a sparrow.  He looked carefree
           and full of life…
              I am standing face-to-face with this joyful kid. I
           can’t hold back my tears. I am trying to take a step
           towards him, but my feet won’t move. I recall Ja-
           maladdin Rumi’s words:
              ‘Don’t be too joyful about the world: snake’s
           patterns makes it attractive, but its venom kills.’
              Forgive me, stay here, I can’t stand this separation.
           I would like to get back to you, get back to your
           world, but I can’t, can you hear me?

           Hadn’t it come from  the Creator I wouldn’t be in this sorrow.
           The sorrow wouldn’t  be my king, I wouldn’t be its slave.

           Fakhri, this world is house of fault, otherwise me
           Wouldn’t rely on my tears and buy ghusl every day.

              I am talking in a whisper: “Please, stay the way
           you are. At least one of us needs to stay strong,
           despite the mammoth grief. There is no place to run
           away in this world. Wherever I go I am walking on
           pins and needles. Can you hear me?..”

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