Page 105 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 105

şeirlər  poems

                        I WALK A COFFIN
                       ON MY SHOULDER

                   Used to carry
                   Carry a burden on my shoulder
                   No place for a thing to carry
                   I walk a coffin on my shoulder.

                   Wandering in the valleys
                   I seek no gold, no ruby
                   In search of a singing, out of tune lute
                   that unlocks the knotty roads
                   I walk a coffin on my shoulder.
                   Rambling all over the place
                   Don't know where the road leads?
                   Allured by its mystery...
                   Seems like I saw the death
                   Wonder what meant to be?
                   I seek an obscure land
                   With water untouched by lip
                   ground untouched by foot
                   chest not shot by arrow
                   I walk a coffin on my shoulder.

                   I seek a lone Wolf
                   reigning in every corner
                   soul pricked by its own voice
                   whining for the next world
                   I walk a coffin on my shoulder.
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