Page 109 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 109

şeirlər  poems

                          THE WORLD,

              COME BACK TO OUR WORLD
           I splashed water behind you,
           I am lost in waters,
           I left, but have come back
           to the world, you have come back
           to our world.

           This is the fruit of parting.
           Beauty grows old early.
           Other’s profited in this world
           then returned to our world.
           Fate did not please us.
           Fate did not dress our wounds.
           Fate did not dry our tears.
           Come back to our world.

           A stone turned into a son too.
           Heroes turned into legend.
           You can give sweets to our children.
           Come back to our world.
           We mourned every kind of sorrow.
           Tell us, is life frail?
           Take Asli and Keram.1
           Come back to our world.
           Too many exclamations are in your land.
           Each arrow shot, is pain.
           If you don’t come back, sin will flourish.
           Come back to the world, our world!

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