Page 111 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 111

şeirlər  poems

                I LOVED YOU A BIT MORE...
           In front of the mountain river
           I looked at the flowing water.
           Joining the blue water
           I flowed with the running water…
           Once again, I remembered you,
           You memory
           passed in front of my eyes.
           I whispered your name
           to the water.
           I loved you a bit more,
           But I forgot you a little bit.

           I wandered in the rent
           In every streets of the city.
           I did not have a broken,
           even a collapsed roof over my head…
           I opened many-many mornings…
           with the   sleepless eyes
           I spent the snowy, frosty winter
           Putting on  a jacket only.

           I loved you in one of the harsh cold,
           freezing weather,
           frosty day
           I loved you a bit more…
           I introduced my love

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