Page 113 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 113

şeirlər  poems

           To the road, lane.
           I cuddled up to my only love,
           I introduced you to steppe and plain
           I loved you a bit more…
           But I forgot you a little bit…

           In the cost of Aegean
           Your lonely spirit is wandering,
           Joining each – other.
           The blue waves are storming,
           Composes an exciting songs
           About a timeless separation.
           Whimpering penetrates into your spirit,
           Remembering it I walk on the shore...
           I sigh deeply.
           Deeply breathed
           I swallow a mouthful of air,
           I loved you a bit more,
           But I forgot you a little bit…

           It is raining slowly,
           I got soaked.
           Your grave got soaked,
           You look helplessly
           through the stone sculpture…
           You used throw water behind me,
           At that time your eyes
           Moved into tears.
           May be it was not rain,
           But  the tears of your eyes were pouring as a rain…
           You were a  fragile, strange cloud.

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