Page 151 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 151

şeirlər  poems

                   THE CLOSED WINDOW

                   More than twenty years
                   A name by  your name
                   Lives in this place
                   As black as your  fate.
                   In the oath of the niggers
                   Big name of “a small man”,
                   Could not be placed
                   With his wings and persistence,
                   Nelson Mandela!

                   You gave hand to the friend
                   Your hand could not reach to him...
                   And it writhed you with pain.
                   You gave hand to the sky,
                   Your hand could not reach to it
                   And made you squirm.
                   Light of hope washed away
                   The dark stain in your eyes...
                   By light what we mean
                   Is a breathed air, a piece of bread,
                   And a sip of water.

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