Page 147 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 147

şeirlər  poems

                                 * * *
                      What the demon’s advice is
                        To go to a friend of mine
                       And borrow some money,
                    And order a group of musicians
                  And gather some people of my case.
                       Forget all – what happened
                    and to happen for days to come.
                            Go to the place
                      Of which the lights went out
                             and offended.
                        The only place of hope.
                Call and invite the lovely kids to the field
                       And have them tore away
                   From the feeling of fatherlessness.
                           Ask the musicians
                      To play a wonderful music.
                      Dance with your daughters,
                    Dance to my pleasure with them.
                       Dance before the buildings
                          Starling of the noise,
                       Dance before the windows
                           Opening to noise.
                   Dance along the coast of their life
                             Without love,
                       Dance along their sorrow.
                       Dance for their birthdays,
                    Dance for their bride’s weddings.
                     Dance for their growing height
                    Before your eyes while dancing.
                          If it is luck for you,
                    Don’t feel sorry, don’t get tired!
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