Page 145 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 145

şeirlər  poems

                   RYTHMS OF LONGING

                             How it rained,
                          How the birds sang?
                       Turning into black spider
                   How could the sorrow spread net?
                       My God, what dream it is
                            Who meets me?
                          Who looks after me?
                        I don’t know, I don’t see,
                             I don’t feel...

                                 * * *
                      My daughters, my darlings!
                        I searched  with my eyes
                      Through the spike like days
                             Looked back,
                             Looked ahead
                             And saw you.
                      And braided your baby hair
                        In the glass of my grief.
                           Damn everything!
                I could not get used to life without love.
                         I could not get used to
                      Your dearest mother’s love...

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