Page 155 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 155

şeirlər  poems

                   Luck would hit,
                   Fate would hit
                   But that closed window
                   Wouldn’t be opened, it wouldn’t.

                                 * * *
                   Your sorrows, your joys
                   All are of the same seize.
                   One dearest day has settled down
                   In your inside.
                   All its burden is in your body
                   You need to make a fire
                   To escape its cold.
                   Mood of that dearest day
                   Will not leave you, will not.
                   That dearest day
                   As sweet as first dating
                   Of a beautiful girl
                   Who felt happy of first dating,
                   But got old waiting.
                   You would open your eyes
                   To that dearest day
                   Through that closed window.

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