Page 157 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 157

şeirlər  poems

                   What you mean by freedom
                   Is a garden of flowers in spring…
                   Growing up in its sorrow…
                   And  a handful soil
                   You will kneel on
                   And your head will rest on
                   Is a beauty’s place
                   Of untimely flirt...
                   Ice coats of the four walls
                   Will not melt, will not.
                   A newly-born child
                   Will not keep silence, will not
                   Either for lullaby,
                   Or for toys.
                   Close the windows of your eyes
                   Opening at the fogs.
                   But keep an eye of hope
                   In your eyes...

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