Page 161 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 161

şeirlər  poems

                        In the way of life I lived
                    Play, Let me dance with my sins

                          Play, minstrel, play
                             It is an end...
                     My mother’s spirit descended
                      And landed on my shoulder,
                    Her spirit went round my neck...
                            Such good news
                            Happens rarely
                Play ,let me dance with my mother’s spirt
               Play, let me dance with the grandchildren’s

                          Play, minstrel, play
                    Let me dance with each blossom,
                     Let me dance with each flower
                       I picked up with grate love
                     From the mountain’s foothills
                            From the slopes
                      And sent to my sweetheart.

                                 * * *

                          Play, minstrel, play
                 Let me raise my arms for the last time
                         Death is also a flower,
                   Play, let me dance with the death!
                             Death is truth
                   Let me dance with my sweetheart
                         Whose name is truth!

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