Page 135 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 135

şeirlər  poems


           The foundation of the castle you built collapsed,
           It was destroyed stone by stone, GOD!
           You know that the end of the world comes to nothing, GOD!
           You know, the world is a lie, GOD!

           Values melted one by one and corroded
           The wealth was carried sack by sack.
           Carried soil and stones are yours
           Looking at them you moved into tears, GOD!

           If you hit or tear up your chest a hundreds time,
           The worm will eat  the fruit  in fruit’s inside…
           See what happened in the world you built,
           Your people were plundered from right and left sides, GOD!

           The old age has come, the breath was tightened
           The life was cut by the scythe of the  time …
           The happy days and happy lives are only the appearance
           The last end of the straight pass is also ended with the comer, GOD!

           Zakir Fakhri, competed for the wealth,
           Like a fly the desire pounced on the  honey...
           Halal and prohibited ones mixed in one pot
           The  clean water  has become turbid, GOD!

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