Page 131 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 131

şeirlər  poems


                   Man forgets everything,
                   Except the house where he was born,
                   His childhood
                   And his first love.
                   Bless this bread,
                   Bless this water,
                   This love and this land,
                   And bless this holy place.
                   My village – my eyes
                   Where l grew up like barley grass,
                   Rode a rushing horse.
                   My soul – my village
                   Where l started speaking in your arms,
                   Opened my heart to a lovely girl,
                   And rambled around fences.
                   He released me from homesickness,
                   Held me to his chest,
                   Took me in his arms,
                    Put me in his little bed like a baby,
                   And l passed through lonely silence.

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