Page 133 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 133

şeirlər  poems

                   Like leaking blood
                   The grief leaked out of my eyes
                   The days muggy and hot,
                   My back humped and l grew old..
                   Between the sky and the earth
                   My heart broke into many pieces.
                   And l passed through lonely sorrow.
                   Oh my barefooted destiny!
                   Reminding me of a barefooted child!
                   Suddenly my head hit the stone,
                   And didn`t know where l looked at.
                   But l saw
                   I am a stranger among the memories
                   That l laid my head on
                   That are so dear to me.
                   Man forgets everything,
                   Except the house where he was born,
                   His childhood
                   And his first love.

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