Page 191 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 191

şeirlər  poems

                IN FRONT OF GAZANFAR’S

                             At your grave
                       In front of your headstone
                       I am remembering you…
                         In a hot summer day.

                 There is a pain in your gaze and eyes…
              Which are looking through the black marble
                     It is a long time, I cannot come
                          And visit your grave
                  I myself, even my words feel guilty
                         in front of your spirit...

                         Hello, Gara Gazanfar!
                   Hello, the son of a man of courage!

                    The world is just the same world
                        you have left and gone,
                    The world is just the same world
                  You  have left and gone being sated
                            with its trouble.
                 Nothing, nothing changed in this world
              Even three apples did not fall from the sky...

                          Even if you survived
                              the hardship
                      Even if you became as hard

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