Page 195 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 195

şeirlər  poems

                    Which bears your picture in pain
                      Shaking the dust of the pain
                        You will put it on again
            The grief will be a bird and land on your shoulder
                Your grief will be a bird and sing a song:

               World, I feel pity for those who know you
              I feel pity for those who build home on you.
                  Who left you let peace be upon them,
                  I feel pity for those who stay in you.
              The world will cause you suffering and pain.

                  The question will arise in the brains,
               The man’s thought will get lost in the fog,
                  Be aware that the death is inevitable
                   And the soil has a good appetite…

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