Page 197 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 197
Xa rə çiçəyi
Flower of memory ................................................68‐69
Dünyayla üz-üzə
Face to face with this world .................................70‐71
Without you .........................................................74‐75
Bu tənha gecələr
The lonely nights ..................................................78‐79
The death .............................................................82‐83
Ayağına dəyən daşı
The stone that hits your foot ................................86‐87
Şairim, salam!
Gree ngs to my poet! ..........................................90‐91
The other world ....................................................98‐99
Çiynimdə tabut, gəzirəm
I walk a coffin on my shoulder .........................104‐105
Dünya, qayıt dünyamıza
The world, come back to our world .................108‐109
Bir az da sevdim səni...
I loved you a bit more ......................................110‐111