Page 193 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 193

şeirlər  poems

                              as the steel
                   You starved again for the weather,
                          You are suffocated,
                        In the heat of the world.

                          Thanks to You God,
                         For the life You gave
                   For the life You divided among us
                        For the death You gave...
                          Thanks to You God,
                         For the eternal death!

                         Hello, Gara Gazanfar!
                   Hello, the son of a man of courage!

                    The world for which you worry,
                      Have you to live in trouble.
            You become an example in the tongues of people.
                     Your name is sounded together
                       With the grief of the world
                       With the brush of the grief
                 Your portrait is drawn on the mountain
                   Your portrait is drawn on the stone.

                           Flying to the crest
                            Where you sleep
                         The white dove lands
                           On your headstone

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