Page 187 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 187

şeirlər  poems

                      And cracks in my heart
                      Your shining face
                      wandering in my memory
                      again and again
                      And an odd hope
                      that you’ve left behind.
                      I cannot write a poem
                      to your name.
                      When I remember you
                      Remember you
                      and want to write
                      my heart feels a pain.
                      An absence of you
                      shatters my heart.
                      So many times
                      I come to your grave
                      following that mean cry
                      calling out your name –
                      With your silent headstone
                      I share silently
                      grieves of yesterday,
                      grieves of today

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