Page 173 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 173

şeirlər  poems


           I broke off my fire and embers
           My hands broke off my knees
           I broke off by myself a little bit
           I came a little bit closer...

           I passed through the roads with snake
           the roads with stone, thorn
           the roads with bazaar-shopping
           I came a little bit closer...

           I run away from the greediness a little bit
           I run away from sigh I let out
           I run away from my sin a little bit
           I came a little bit closer…

           I was deceived by tongue and uvula
           By old man and old woman
           I turned my face to the flowers
           I came a little bit closer…

           I threw away the loads from my shoulder
           I kept on swimming my face towards the flow…
           I came and reach here step by step
           I came a little bit closer...

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