Page 169 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 169

şeirlər  poems

           My sweetheart left this world
           I became widow in my young age...
           Istanbul !
           In the room of separation,
           In the hand of separation I am a black slave...
           Please, find a remedy, ointment
           For my wounded soul...

                                 * * *
           What kind of  separation is it,
           ah, what kind of separation...
           you  cannot  sleep
           The dream of your eyes is rising to the heaven
           Every night...
           Every day
           the night  will remove
           the dark  curtain from its face
           the dawn will smile at your face
           And a new day will begin
           Your Courage  will be remembered
           It will be a sin, if it will not be remembered...

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