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P. 123

şeirlər  poems

                   MATANAT’S MEMORIES

           Matanat’s memories
           Would take you under their wings
           And bring you back home
           For sweet evenings.

           When you are lonely,
           And full of grief
           Matanat’s memories
           Are there for relief.

           When trees lose leaves
           They feel like garden with no flower,
           When your eyes blackout
           Matanat’s memories
           Become your guiding tower.

           Matanat’s memories
           Would bring back the past
           Would bring the sadness into your heart.

           Matanat’s memories
           Protect you day and night
           As if a cradle full of love
           Being protected by mother’s might.

           Matanat’s memories
           Would return after flying away
           Would age together with you
           As your hair turn gray.
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