Page 119 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 119

şeirlər  poems

           I could not ignore
           a stupid man...
           Return me, mother, return me to my cradle.

           Each autumn my friends and acquaintances
           forgot me…
           The smiles could not find place
           to land on my face, on my eyes.
           As my lung was addicted to cigarette
           I became addicted to drug
           called a grief.
           Return me, mother, return me to my cradle.

           I got self-absorbed,
           I got stacked inside...
           The sorrow does not call me
           The joy does not call me,
           No one calls me
           So that I go out from this
           narrow place.
           Return me, mother, return me to my cradle.

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