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with the author’s vision and conception of the
           world. In other words, the be er the vision of the
           poet, the more likable his poems.
              In the example above, Gara Melik is an
           everyday hero taking a stance against evil forces.
           The author puts him in difficult situations, thus
           subtly and indirectly conveying the hero’s best
           features to readers. This indirect approach is
           widely taken in literature, however, excessive use
           of this method could sometimes confuse the
           reader. I suggest the author puts some thought
           into this.
              I have no doubt that readers will embrace
           Zakir Fakhri’s unique poems with deep
           philosophical meaning which make them

                                      Bakhtiyar Vahabzade
                   National Poet, the recipient of the USSR and
                                     Azerbaijan State Awards

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