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which make them stand out. Of course, sometimes
           novelty comes with flaws. Those the poets of the
           older generation who have been around for a long
           time should encourage this novelty of younger
           generation, along with pointing out flaws.
              We should discourage novice poets from
           adopting existing styles and encourage them to
           express themselves in their own style. In short, we
           should inspire them to express themselves freely.
              In this regard, one can notice the originality
           and novelty in Zakir Fakhri’s “Songs about Gara

              That day
              Wild ashug’s saz
              Moaned wildly.
              That day
              all villagers listened
              to saz wildly.
              They went asleep wildly.
              Saw dreams wildly.
              They saw that
              All were wild,
              each on a horse
              Terrifying the black fears.

              In the example above one can envisage
           everything clearly, since Zakir’s heroes are lively
           and unique. It is no doubt is the best feature of his
           poems. It worth noting that the poet’s ability to
           express himself clearly is highly interconnected

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