Page 23 - Design_Zakir_Fakhri_Poems_FULL_Layout 1
P. 23

şeirlər  poems

                           THE VOICE

           I stuck to one voice and stayed there,
           I fell to the ground and stayed there.
           I became entangled on the road crossing
                                       and stayed there
           My God, take me away from the hands of this voice!

           There was a cloud over my head,
           Did this sound come from the cloud?
           My mother and my father were my hope,
           Did this sound come from the hope?
           My God, take me away from the hands of this voice!

           I saw a mountain and moved to tears,
           My spirit was taken away by illusion.
           Do not let the harpy take me away…
           My God, take me away from the hands of this voice!

           This voice took me to its own nest,
           Have me to dance under its music,
           I swear that I cannot get used
           to its remedies and drugs
           My God, take me away from the hands of this voice!

           This voice came from my memory,
           Break off and came from my headstone,
           This voice came from my tears...
           My God, take me away from the hands of this voice!

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